Post by Petooo on Oct 4, 2016 15:40:25 GMT
Who is our clan leader?
Post by Petooo on Oct 4, 2016 15:41:02 GMT
Hmmm, i think, that could be Lio
Post by Jeenik on Oct 7, 2016 13:44:55 GMT
mám dotaz. Hrajete na telefonu nebo na počítači? A pokud na pc přes co?
Post by Petooo on Oct 7, 2016 19:15:55 GMT
Ahoj, mám dotaz. Hrajete na telefonu nebo na počítači? A pokud na pc přes co? For eng speaking: "Do u play on phone or PC. What program are u using" I play on tablet most of the time, but at home or for forum purposes i use PC (much easier to make screenshots, watching films while playing etc). Program i use on PC is Nox (have installed bluestack and droid4x too, but i think Nox is the best). For slovaks: Najcastejsie hram na tablete, ale kvoli forum-u hram i na PC (a lahsie sa mi robia screenshoty na koompe, mozem pozerat filmy popri hrani, atd.) Program, ktory sa mi najviac osvedcil je Nox (ale stale mam nainstalovany aj bluestack a droid4x).